SPACA6 paper published in Frontiers
03 Jan 2022
What a wonderful start into the New Year with having our Spaca6 paper published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!
The story behind this paper has been one of the highlights of the past year: Under the fantastic mentoring of Victoria, two highly motivated and gifted students, Mirjam Binner and Anna Kogan, who joined our lab to gain lab-experience during the time of Corona, took the lead not only on the experimental side but also in writing the paper. Despite Mirjam and Anna having both moved on to new positions in spring 2021, their dedication and excitement, together with regular zoom calls between Vienna, Finland and Russia over the past 9 months and additional help from Karin and Alex Schleiffer made it possible to have our story about the requirement of Spaca6 for fertilization in zebrafish ‘in the books’!
Big congratulations to all authors, in particular to Mirjam, Anna and Victoria for carrying this project through from A to Z and making it happen!
Link to the