Lab News

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Fellowship successes for Ida, Amy and Josef

24 Jun 2024

The past week has brought us the news of not only one but three successes for Pauli lab members in recent fellowship applications:

  • Ida secured an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship for studying the molecular mechanism of diapause in killifish;
  • Amy was awared a SNF postdoctoral fellowship for investigating age-related changes in developmental competence in zebrafish;
  • Josef was awarded a DOC PhD fellowship for studying the mechanism and function of dormant ribosome formation in fish and mammals.

Huge congratulations to all three of you for this amazing feat (picture credit to Benedikt Mandl, IMP)!

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Otto Hahn Medal and Otto Hahn Award for Ida

12 Jun 2024

Huge congratulations to Ida Jentoft for receiving not only the Otto Hahn Medal but also the Otto Hahn Award from the Max Planck Society for her PhD work in Melina Schuh’s lab at the MPI Göttingen! In her PhD, Ida discovered that large filamentous structures, so-called cytoplasmic lattices, serve as important maternal protein storage compartment in mammalian oocytes.

For anyone wondering (like us when we heard about it): the Otto Hahn Award provides 2-years of funding to support Ida’s postdoc time abroad and will allow her to establish her own lab at an MPI of her choice after her postdoc – what an amazing and well-deserved recognition!

Here is a link to the news post from the IMP.

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New pre-print by Anastasia on mitochondrial activation during embryogenesis

11 Jun 2024

New pre-print alert from the Pauli lab!

In this study led by Anastasia, we asked how mitochondria get activated during embryogenesis. Surprisingly we found that activation does not depend on de novo mitochondrial biogenesis or an increase in abundance or enzymatic activity of electron transport chain complexes. Instead, by combining mitochondrial (phospho)proteomics, metabolomics and morphological analyses, Anastasia identified an increase in ER-mitochondrial interaction and fusion of mitochondria as hallmarks of mitochondrial activation during embryogenesis.

Huge congratulations to Anastasia and all co-authors for contributing to this comprehensive resource of mitochondrial activation during embryogenesis!

Find older news in the news archive.